Solonis 2-Way SMS

Stay connected with your guests throughout their stay

Solonis SMS texting functionality is an essential tool for your hotel's marketing strategy and daily operations.

Solonis Lifestyle Image (4)

Quick Connection

  • Send on-site guests urgent notifications
  • Send reminders to incoming guests
  • View messages in your database
cloud icon with wires going through it with a blue circle behind it to the left

Convenient Tools

  • Centralized message center
  • Incoming message notifications
  • Prevent or allow replies
white icon of computer with a blue a circle behind to the right

Guest Marketing

  • Extend promotions to past visitors
  • Schedule texts ahead of time
  • Create custom marketing templates


Implementation: $175

Subscription: $35/month 

Per Message Fees: FREE

2-Way SMS is fully available in the US, Canada*, and the Bahamas.

One-way SMS is available in Mexico.

*Toll free number must be fully verified before Canadian recipients will successfully be able to receive any SMS.

After submission to the carrier, there is a 4-8 week time for full registration.

Not, at this time your phone number will be generated automatically.

No! Once the carrier has fully registered the number (4-8 weeks) there are no daily messaging limits.

No. At this time the public whitelisted URL is required for your messages.

Carriers are required to abide by regulatory rules, including: 
  • TCPA (Telephone Consumer Protection Act)
  • CTIA (Cellular Telecommunications Industry Association)
  • Carrier Networks/MNOs

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